Are you ready for Christmas? I hope that you all can find the hope, peace, joy, and love that comes from God during this time of the year. May God bless you and your family at this time. I know that things around us make it hard to truly enjoy the holidays. There are a lot of things to be fearful of because of the COVID-19 pandemic. But at least you have each other and you do have people around you that care about you. You might not be able to see them or visit them at this time, but they are there and I know that they are thinking about you a lot.
And never forget that God is there with you as well. You are never alone or forgotten. Sometimes it is hard to see God during this time, but God is there. Trust me God does not easily abandon His people! God has invested way too much on us to just leave us! Afterall, He sent his Son, Jesus to be with us, to teach us how to live and treat other people, and ultimately die on the cross to save us from sin and death! Yes we have a God that loved us so much, He was willing to risk not just His own life, but also His Son’s life! Crazy love isn’t it? That is one heck of an investment. God can’t leave us so easily, His love is too strong for us. No matter how we feel, no matter what guilt we may feel, it is God who chooses to be with us during the good time and the bad times. God does not just abandon us. Even though COVID-19 is wrecking havoc in our neighborhoods, God is working to get things better. God has provided us with some great nurses, doctors, pharmacists to get this this in control so that we can get back to a better life. But they need our help. So let’s do our part to help them by doing the responsible things, and to stay aware. I know it seems like a daunting task to give each and everyone that responsibility to stop the spread, but we can due it. Against all odds, we can help! And God knows what it means to be in the middle of something that seems so impossible. But God makes the impossible, possible, against all odds, God is finding way to bring healing. Christmas is right around the corner. So let us come together in one heart and embody the Christmas spirit. It is hard to enjoy things because we feel that there is so much against us. Travel restrictions, loneliness, depression, sickness, and death. But against all odds we must hold tight on our faith. Afterall, against all odds, Jesus was born. It took a lot of gamble for Jesus’ birth and survival. It took a willing unmarried, virgin teenager to accept God’s request to burden the pregnancy of Jesus Christ. It took wisemen coming from a far away land to notice an anomaly in the sky that would eventually lead them to Jesus Christ. A star shining so bright, even seen in the day. These wisemen traveled years to reach their destination, against all odds, like Mary they too made it. So remember, God is with you, against all odds, God loves you so much that He would sacrifice His own life and His Son’s life to be with you in this very moment. COVID-19 cannot separate you from His love. He wants you to be uplifted, prayerful, thankful, and in peace, even if it feels those things are so distant from your heart. But against all odds, God will make things work out. May The love of God be upon you. Merry Christmas everyone!
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AuthorHey this is Rev. Brian Choi's random thought throughout my week. Most of this stuff, will probably be about family, church, fishing, music, movies, food, whatever I think of, hopefully it will have some sort of theological reflection (maybe). Archives
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